
There are up to 8 places available at Bristol Cathedral Choir School to students who are members of Bristol Cathedral attending the probationer chorister programme. If there are more eligible students than places available, then the places will be randomly allocated and the remainder placed on a waiting list as set out in the published admission arrangements.

To become a Chorister, boys and girls must normally first join the Choir’s Probationers’ Programme. The Programme is run by Bristol Cathedral, not by Bristol Cathedral Choir School (BCCS).This offers children the opportunity to sing with the Cathedral Choir as Probationers while they are in Years 5 and 6 at primary or prep school.

If you are applying under the probationer chorister criterion for your child please complete this supplementary information form and submit to by 31st October 2024.

The Probationers’ Programme

To become a Probationer, children must first pass an audition, which is usually held in Year 4. Please note this is run by The Cathedral and not the school and is therefore independent of the school's admission process. Probationers then spend Year 5 becoming accustomed to the routine of the choir and receiving a musical training specifically geared to them. They participate in a reduced timetable of singing, joining the full Cathedral Choristers on certain weekdays and alternate weekends.

During their time as Probationers, their singing is developed in a supportive atmosphere. Probationers normally receive an expenses allowance of £50 per term.

Probationers must make satisfactory progress, as judged by the Cathedral Director of Music. Regular attendance by Probationers at rehearsals, services and concerts is essential and is monitored closely.

The Probationary period, runs from the beginning of Year 5 (1st September) until Bristol City Council’s co-ordinated Year 6 admissions closing date (for admission to Year 7 in the following academic year).

For more information about Choristers, go to our Choir School page.

For further details about the Probationers’ Programme, please contact Mark Lee, Bristol Cathedral Director of Music, on 0117 926 4879 or