Pastoral Support

Your tutor is a student or parent's first contact and line of support, whatever the challenge. They will guide and navigate students through the twists and turns of A levels. Each week, tutors lead a taught session for 30 minutes with their vertical tutor group that covers academic, social, emotional and global issues at different points.
Tutors will also meet with students 1-1 or in small groups regularly to check in and see how things are going. Students can request these meetings as often as they wish and should always feel as though their tutor is available for them. Over the course of the two years, it is our aim that tutors form positive relationships with their tutees to help them achieve highly and enjoy every minute of their A level experience.

Wellbeing coaching helps young adults understand the factors that determine their sense of wellbeing from a personal and holistic perspective. It aims to enable people to regard their wellbeing from a 'multidimensional view': physical, mental emotional and spiritual wellbeing are all significant to one's happiness. Our 6 week support programme will empower students to take ownership of their wellness and make positive changes moving forwards.

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we're sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.
Recent research has found that mindfulness can improve emotion regulation, mood, empathy, confidence and self-esteem, coping and social skills, and ability to pay attention and focus. We offer weekly Mindfulness sessions as well as a more comprehensive 6 week programme.

The most powerful and positive support our students have is each other! We have a wonderfully inclusive environment at BCCS and friendships, networks, tutor groups and clubs can all help provide students with support. Sometimes something more regular and organised is useful - peer mentoring is a great way to speak freely about challenges with someone who has recently gone through exactly the same thing and lived to tell the tale.

Students often face challenges or difficulties that require processing and, if possible, resolving to help them move forward. Through a self-referral process, students can access the 6th form counsellor (there is a limited capacity) to help them work through their social or emotional challenges. The support is intended to last 6 weeks; where appropriate, the school will signpost students to outside organisations.