Keeping up to date with online safety

At BCCS, our favourite website (it’s also an app) for handy guides on trending apps; games and social media is ‘National Online Safety’ which is now part of national college. This website and/or app has a wealth information. It contains a wealth of free and membership content. 

We all worry about what are children are upto on line. There is always a new social media app that we know nothing about that our children are using. You are not alone! Below are some of the more popular games and apps that teenagers might want to use. Click on each link to learn more. 


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Smartphones and Apps

Getting a smartphone or having more independence when accessing the internet is common when joining secondary school. Smartphones are invaluable tools for many reasons but we find students who have unrestricted use often come into some problems. For this reason we do not allow mobile phones to be used at BCCS; in lessons, at break or at lunch unless given explicit permission by a member of staff. We understand students may have phones with them for safety and communication when commuting to and from school, we merely ask that they are kept in bags throughout the day. A smartphone is not essential for learning at BCCS and some students have phones that simply call and text. 


Here are our top tips for smartphone use: 

  1. Take note of the apps your child has and learn about them. Pay close attention to age restrictions, we think these are quite low and would love them to be higher. 
  2. Limit phone time where possible including not allowing phones to accompany them to bed at night time. 
  3. Discuss the positives and negative sides of the internet. Ensure they know they can talk to you if they experience anything unsettling. 
  4. Disable location tracking settings on all apps (eg robolux) unless you use them for safety (eg share location in WhatsApp) 
  5. Make very clear it is never appropriate for young people to take, send, share or request indecent, nude or partially nude images. All are classed as criminal offenses for children under 18. 


Does your child use these apps/games? - Here’s what you should know…


Links to further information on internet for parents and carers