Homework Timetables


Homework is an opportunity for students to develop knowledge and understanding, practice key skills and extend their learning outside of the classroom. Students will be set homework for each subject according to a fortnightly timetable, which can be found below and on tutor group Google Classrooms. We have strived to give students 1-2 days per fortnight without homework to allow for participation in co-curricular activities. 

In Years 7 and 8 each piece of homework should take students approximately 20 minutes, this increases to 30 minutes in Year 9 and 45-60 minutes for GCSE years . Students will be set a variety of different tasks from consolidation activities to more open-ended projects depending on the subject and topics being studied. Below you will find details on the tasks being set at KS3 for each subject. Students are encouraged to use spare homework time to review, improve and extend their learning just as they would do during SIT (Silent Improvement Time). Details of suggested activities to support this can be found in the SIT document below, students can also find a QRcode to access the AIM Challenge google classroom. This resource is a great opportunity to take part in some inter-school challenges and make cross-curricular links to topics that they are currently studying.

You can support your child with their homework by helping them to find a quiet space to work away from distractions and encouraging them to create a homework schedule. If you have any questions regarding your child's homework please contact their tutor.

Y7 Homework
Y7 students receive weekly homework in English, Maths and Science. Other subjects will set subjects as and when there is real value in the homework. We hope that this simplicity and consistency helps you support your child to get into good habits around their homework completion.

Y8 Homework timetable 2024-25

Y9 Homework timetable 2024-25

Y10 Homework timetable 2024-25

Y11 Homework timetable 2024-25

Silent Improvement Time Activities - Student Version


Homework Tips for Students

1. Pick a good time to do homework.

Try to do your homework at the same time everyday--right after school, just before dinner, or right after dinner.  Try not to leave homework until just before you have to go to bed.

2. Find a place that makes studying easy.  

Collect up all the books and supplies you’ll need before you begin to work.  Do your homework in the same place every day.

3. Spend more time on hard homework than easy homework.  

If you know what’s easy and what's hard, do the hard work first.  Take a short break if you are having trouble keeping your mind on an task.

4. If homework gets too hard, ask for help.

If your parents are busy and you have an older brother or sister, ask them for help, or get your parents to ask them.  Leave enough time before the due date to ask your teacher or classmate for help.

5. Remember to make a plan

Checking the VLE/Google classroom regularly will help you to make a plan of what homework to complete and when to complete it by. Make sure you look over each piece of homework when it is set so you know how long it will take you and create a plan so that you meet the deadline.