Student support
Your Wellbeing Matters:
At our school, we deeply care about you, not just your academic outcomes.
We understand that secondary school can come with its unique challenges and we want you to know that you're not alone. Our commitment goes beyond academics; we value your mental, emotional, and physical health. If you ever feel the need for support, whether it's within the school or beyond its walls, our dedicated team of staff is here for you. We're ready to listen, guide, and connect you with the resources you may need. Your wellbeing is a priority, and together, we're here to ensure you thrive in every aspect of your journey.

Who to talk to in school
Your tutor is your first port of call but we understand it’s important to choose who you would prefer to talk to. Your Head of Year might be a good choice or perhaps one of our safeguarding team or mental health champions.
If you’d like the school to know something important but would like to speak to a specific person - That’s ok. Find any teacher and say:
I have something important to say but I’d like to tell Ms /Mr. __________
You can do this in person or via email and we will understand this language means it’s important.
Whisper: Anonymous Reporting
We understand that sometimes, telling a teacher about an issue you have seen, experienced or heard about is not an easy thing to do. You may want to bring something to our attention without identifying yourself, particularly if it involves a student’s well-being.
That’s why we have launched Whisper. Whisper is an anonymous reporting service for pupils, families and the local community that allows you to send a message or text to a confidential school account where a BCCS teacher who is experienced in responding to issues will receive it.
You can access Whisper by text or by clicking the link below which will take you to an online form where you can leave your message. You can send it anonymously or, if you want us to reply to you personally, you can leave your name and contact details.
- Save the telephone number to your phone as ‘BCCS Whisper’
- Never be afraid to report issues that are unsafe
- Responses to whisper aren’t instant. If someone is in immediate danger tell a member of staff urgently (dial 999 if life threatening)

Instagram - Signposting and support.
Consider following the PSHEe instagram account for signposting to tried and tested support on a range of challenges, motivational quotes, good news and a celebration of great work that supports wellbeing
Follow @bccspshe
Please note the age restriction for instagram states the platform is age 13+
School Nurse
Our School nurse is Helen. She runs drop-in sessions run on Monday lunchtimes in Abbeyhouse. Students can speak to a school nurse and get confidential advice and support on many topics (See the poster below). You do not need to book to see the nurse, anyone (including pupils and staff) can pop by to speak to a school nurse during the lunch time session.
Please note that most conversations will be confidential however if the school nurse believes a student to be at risk of harm they will inform the school safeguarding team who would in turn contact parents/ carers where appropriate.
If you need to speak to a school nurse and it is not a Monday, please call the team on 0300 1245816.
The Chat Health texting service is also available if you need to speak to a School Nurse but would prefer it not to be in person or if you wish to talk between the hours of 9-5pm Monday to Friday.
Parents and carers can also make referrals to the school nurse by calling the School Nurse Team on 0300 1245816
Chat Health
- Chat Health is available for all young people
- Covered by experienced school nurses
- You will receive a response between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday or the next working day (not weekends)
- You can message Chat health nurses about anything and everything
Contacts for Support Outside of School:
Mental Health
Off the Record (OTR) free mental health services for young people inclusive of but not exclusively LGBTQIA, BAME and Resilience themes. Online:
Give us a Shout - An anonymous counselling service which young people can text for free and get support and help from specialist counsellors 24hours a day or Text Shout to 85258
Samaritans is an anonymous 24 hour free helpline who will listen and support you OR Call: 116 123
Kooth- Qualified counsellors are online seven days a week to provide young people using the service with online counselling, through chat-based messaging via drop-in or booked sessions
The Mix: Online guide to life for 16-25 year olds. Straight-talking emotional support 24 hours a day. Chat online on our moderated discussion boards and live chat room
Young Minds This site is specifically to support the wellbeing of young people. Below are some really useful sections of the website:
Looking after yourself - Information about simple changes you can make to help with your mental health.
Feelings and symptoms - helps you to make sense of how you are feeling and where you can get support.
Find help - If you are not sure where to find help if you or a friend are struggling with mental health issues this website will guide you to the right kind of support
Self Harm
If you have self harmed you should always tell someone either in school or at home you trust and they will help you. There is also free self harm support for 10-17 year olds from Self Harm UK.
Mind charity has useful information and support about self harm and self injury. It may be best to access these sites with support from an adult in school or at home as it may feel triggering.
If you self-harm, it is important that you know how to look after your injuries and that you have access to the first aid equipment you need. LifeSIGNS has information on first aid for self-injury and self-harm. If you’re concerned about an injury or not sure how to look after it, see your GP.
Calm Harm is an app that can help you to manage your anxiety. It’s an NHS accredited APP which helps you to manage and control urges which can lead to self harm.
Talk To Frank Offers up to date advice and information about drugs, providing access to live chat, email and telephone support, as well as leaflets, FAQs and links to other sites.
Food and Eating Disorders
The Association of UK dietitians has a very useful bank of resource on food and mood. It will help you to understand the purpose of food and different food types and give you information about how food can support your wellbeing
Beat - Lots of information and resources about disordered eating and body image to help you.
Bereavement or grief support
- Hope Again is a website where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.
- Winston’s Wish is another fantastic resource to support grieving children
Violence at home -Domestic Abuse
Please speak to an adult at school if either you or a friend are experiencing this. If you feel unsafe, you can Call the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) on 0808 800 5000 or ChildLine on 0800 1111
The Hideout, this is a website that will help you to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it's happening to you.
Parents splitting up or divorcing
CafCass helps you to understand what is taking place and how to manage these feelings during this tricky time.
Please tell a trusted adult in school or ask your parent/carer to contact the school on your behalf. You can do this via Whisper but remember to leave details or your name if you want it to be followed up.
Try Childline or Family lives if you would like to read about bullying and seek support out of school too.
Concerns about Crime or gangs (unhealthy friendships)
Childlline offer guidance on what a gang is and what to do if you're being pressured to join a gang. This NSPCC also offer support on child criminal exploitation (CCE)
Sexual Health advice and support
Brook Centres offer drop in sessions or appointments to all ages on anything to do with sexual relationships and sexual health. Freephone 0808 802 1234 802 1234.
Young People's Sexual Health Website can also help you with any queries about your sexual health
Sexulity and Gender
If you are thinking about your sexuality, gender or identity, visit the Be You project or Stonewall to explore information on these topics