Careers & Employability - Bristol Cathedral Choir School
There has never been a time when Careers guidance has been as important for young people as it is today. The landscape of education, training and employment opportunities that students need to navigate is complex and challenging. Qualifications such as GCSE and A-levels are changing, and opportunities in higher education extend now beyond the UK to other parts of Europe and further afield. Students need help to make choices and manage transitions: they need good quality Careers education, information, advice and guidance.
At Bristol Cathedral Choir School we aim to get students thinking about Careers Education and Employability as soon as they arrive in Year 7. This is achieved via careers activities, enterprise initiatives, employer challenges and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) projects. We also provide information and support at times when students are required to make decisions about their future; in Year 9 when then choose their options, Year 11 when they make Post 16 choices and in Yr 12/13 for Post 18 decisions.
We are continually developing our network of employers with the aim of broadening horizons, raising aspirations and inspiring our students about their future roles within the world of work.
We hope the information/links on the Careers page provides details of how the Bristol Cathedral Choir School intends to offer a fit for purpose CEIAG programme in supporting students with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to take ownership of their own career management skills and enable them to succeed in their chosen career paths.
If you would like to pledge your commitment to supporting the BCCS Careers programme please complete this short form.
Please do contact Paul Mann, Careers & Employability Lead, if you have any questions or need further support regarding Careers at BCCS.
The BCCS Futures Careers programme is evaluated annually using a number of approaches including: Compass scores (achievement of Gatsby Benchmarks); analysis of stakeholder surveys (including Future Skills Questionnaire); Post 16 and Post 18 destinations; Compass+ (for reviews of activities across the Futures programme that year).
The next review will take place in August 2025.

Anna Duncan
Work Experience Coordinator
- Tel:
- 0117 353 5000 ext. 5067 (Mon & Tue)
- Email: