Open events for prospective Year 7 students will be held on Thursday 19th and Thursday 26th September 2024. Booking for these events is essential; please check again for more information shortly.

A recording of the Head of School's Presentation from the 22nd September 2022 open event, together with a collection of virtual introductions to subjects at BCCS, is available to view here.

Link to Bristol Cathedral Choir School (11- 16 provision) admission arrangements 2025/26

Supplementary Information Form (Probationer Chorister)

Supplementary Information Form (Staff)

Application for an Out of Chonological Year Group Request

Link to Admissions Information & Frequently Asked Questions

Link to How to apply for a Music Specialism Place

Contact us:


Thursday 19th and Thursday 26th September 2024

Open Events - booking is not yet available. Please check back soon for more details.

Monday 23rd September 2024

Closing date for Music Specialism applications.

By end of September 2024

Music Aptitude invitations will be sent via email

Children applying to both BCCS and Trinity Academy will sit the Music Aptitude Test at Trinity Academy this year. 

Saturday 28th September 2024

The first round of the Music Aptitude Tests takes place.

Early October 2024

2nd Music Aptitude Test by invitation only. Dates to be confirmed.

31st October 2024

Closing date for secondary transfer applications.

1st March 2025

Offers will be sent to parents/carers by the home Local Authority.

Mid-March 2025

Deadline to respond to your school offer through your Local Authority portal. Date to be confirmed by Bristol City Council.

June 2025

Appeals will be heard by an Independent Appeal Panel administered by Democratic Services at Bristol City Council on behalf of the school.


Contact us: