Vision and Values

Welcome to Bristol Cathedral Choir School. We “gather together” as a supportive learning community where all are invited that they may discover and achieve their full potential. Our School is shaped by our Christian vision “that all may thrive”, making us ambitious and full of hope for every individual. It is flavoured by our music specialism, further enrichment opportunities and our shared heritage with the Cathedral and the Choir. 

We are a welcoming and inclusive school for all, no matter of cultural, ethnic or religious background. Our community values and celebrates diversity. The Book of Revelation talks of a multitude gathering, from “every nation, tribe, people and language” (Revelation 7:9), and a holy city descending from God, a place where there is no more sickness, mourning or crying (Revelation 21:1-4).  Our desire is to reflect this in being a school that is open to all where people from all walks of life come together and are treated with kindness.

We invite anyone to join in our community, through participating, supporting others and sharing experiences. The early Church are described as being in fellowship; they shared everything, were of one accord, and lived to serve one another, their God, those in need, and to learn together (Acts 2:42-47). Our desire is that our community is also like this, one where we rely on each other and take responsibility for ourselves and for each other. Each and every one of us belongs here and has a role to play in our success. We are “one body made up of many parts”, writes St. Paul (1 Corinthians 12:12). We are a community where every student and adult is valued and integral in all that we do.

This school is a place where we want all to thrive and to experience ‘fullness of life’, (John 10:10) through all that we do, from the classroom to the concert hall, the sports’ field to the drama studio, and everything in between. Jesus talks of our lives ‘bearing fruit, good fruit that will last” (John 15:16) - we want students and staff to be courageous and compassionate, to take risks in their learning and for others, and to be people of compassion, forgiveness and justice that have a positive impact on the world.

Our mission is that young people leave us not only proud of their success in school, but as people who “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly” (Micah 6:8), that they hold onto our values of kindness, courage and hope, for themselves, for others and for the world we live in.

As a Church of England Academy sharing in the heritage and present life of the Cathedral

  • We celebrate and tell the Christian Story
  • We are a Community of faith we actively welcome those of all faiths and worldviews.
  • Our community is full of hope and lives out core values derived from Christian teachings.
  • We meet in the Cathedral to celebrate the life of the school, to sing, think and reflect together, and to offer opportunities for reflection, worship and prayer.
  • We seek to develop the whole person: spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.

Our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report can be found here: 

SIAMS report: February 2020

SIAMS report: November 2014

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